Category Archives: SciFi
Coherence (2013) – mini-review
I really enjoyed this single-location, wordy sci-fi. A dinner party quickly descends into paranoia when the world is altered by a comet passing by. Best watched knowing as little as possible beforehand. I think this will also be a movie … Continue reading
Xtro (1982) review
Back in the mid-to-late 80s, in the era when VHS was king, a certain type of entrepreneur sprang up in the UK prior to the big chains like Blockbuster getting themselves established. A man (almost exclusively a man) with a … Continue reading
Jesus Shows You The Way To The Highway (2019) – mini-review
Mind-melting, uncategorisable weirdness that started promisingly but ended up getting on my nerves by about halfway through. 5 Skelpometer points for being highly inventive. Available on Amazon Video (free with Arrow Video Channel)
Freaks (2018) review
I first saw Freaks at FrightFest in Glasgow in 2019, and I loved it. It has recently been added to Netflix, so thought it a good time to write a review. However, this is definitely a movie that should be … Continue reading
Snowpiercer (2013) – mini-review
Ignore the plot-holes, enjoy the set-pieces. 7 on the Skelpometer. Snowpiercer is available on Prime Video
Galaxy Of Terror (1981) – mini-review
I rather enjoyed this Roger Corman piece of nonsense – some great gooey deaths and fantastic over-acting made this a treat. 7 S-Points. Galaxy Of Terror is available on Prime Video
Forbidden World (1982) – mini-review
I usually like low-budget horror / sci-fi nonsense, but I found this a bit tedious. A lowly 4 on the Skelpometer for this Roger Corman Alien rip-off. Forbidden World is available on Prime Video
The Vast Of Night (2019) – mini-review
Highly unusual take on the 50s ‘alien panic’ trope. Some impressive film techniques throughout but this movie didn’t connect with me. Maybe I need to revisit it with different expectations. 6 S-Points. The Vast Of Night is on Amazon Prime
Save The Green Planet (2003) – mini-review
A mental mash-up of genres that keeps you guessing throughout. Whilst there are some great scenes the multiple movie styles never seem to fully gel. Worth seeking out on DVD if you like Asian oddities. 7 on the Skelpometer. IMDB … Continue reading
Blood Machines (2019) review
Blood Machines is billed as ‘A Shudder Series’ which I guess it is, but that is a series of 3 episodes, with a total runtime of around 50 minutes. Whilst it is visually and stylistically arresting with an interesting central … Continue reading