About Me

Hi, how’s it going? I’m Chris and this is my new vanity project, where I plan to share my oh-so-interesting thoughts on 2 of my main obsessions, which are movies and music. Most of the time this will be horror films and thrash metal, but not always – man can’t live by gore alone, as I think the famous saying goes!

Everything I write here is my own view, and often it’s my immediate thoughts which can change over time, so I will add edits to the end of my original posts when this happens – I don’t believe in deleting the original review as that was the truth at that time, and it can be a good idea to see how your own opinion can change over time. 

When I launched this blog I took a lot of my short reviews directly from my private Facebook page, so that’s why there seems to be a lot of reviews over a few days – I have tried to put the original review date in all of these, but I might forget. Ah well.

When I first started my mini-reviews, I also scored them out of 10, and called this ‘The Skelpometer’ – I realise that scores are a reductive way to view art, but I’m going to keep it. So there.

If you want to get in touch with me, you can use this contact form, or find me on Twitter

I am also a semi-retired techno and hardhouse DJ, and you can find some of my mixes on my other site www.djskelp.com if that’s your kind of thing.

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