Monthly Archives: August 2020
Excision (2012) – mini-review
A troubled, blood-obsessed teen’s psychosexual awakening is the focus of this enjoyable but genuinely shocking film. As the end credits rolled I was left just staring at the screen for 5 minutes traumatised. The casting and performances across the board … Continue reading
House (1985) – mini-review
I took against this movie quite early on, and it did nothing to win me over during its runtime. The idea of presenting PTSD in a horror movie is not a terrible one, but doing so in a goofy, unfunny, … Continue reading
Coherence (2013) – mini-review
I really enjoyed this single-location, wordy sci-fi. A dinner party quickly descends into paranoia when the world is altered by a comet passing by. Best watched knowing as little as possible beforehand. I think this will also be a movie … Continue reading
Noroi: The Curse (2005) – mini-review
‘Found-footage’ horror mystery that makes really good use of the format. The acting adds to this, as all the characters are believable within the world of the movie. The horror aspects are genuinely chilling – usually when I am watching … Continue reading
Tag (2015) – mini-review
The first 5 minutes of this are great, and has one of the most gruesome multiple death scenes I think I have ever watched. After this though I found myself wondering about the way in which the girls were being … Continue reading